Thursday, January 08, 2004

Happy New Year

I was about to start this post waaaaay back on the 1st January, but who should turn up on our doorstep than the Reeve-Reeves pair, all the way from Bexley (I just tried to find a link that would give a flavour of the place, but all I could find were hotels (why would you stay in Bexley unless you had free accommodation like Olly?), online dating, UK swingers in Bexley and Al Anon).

We had a super time - Olly brought the car so we were able to drive on fast roads and go places (not possible on the scooter). We went over the Forth to a wee coastal village called Aberdour for a pub lunch by a roaring fire and walk along the coast one day, and up to the Glenturret Distillery, home of the Famous Grouse Experience for some whisky action another. We managed to encounter some snow, albeit snow that had been on the ground a couple of days and more closely resembled ice, which pleased Antoinette no end. At least until we decided to take a walk in said snow, along a woodland trail (or icy death-trap). We soldiered on for a while, but the sight of Olly careering away towards the creek, limbs everywhere and almost uprooting a tree, was enough entertainment for one trip.

New Year itself was a wee bit of a let-down, as Hogmanay was cancelled. It didn't seem that windy and dangerous - and as not many people left the street party anyway, it would have been nice of the party organisers to at least do the countdown, and pipe a bit of music through the PA. I'm glad we hadn't paid for tickets. Still, the atmosphere was quite lively, a fair few kilted bums bared, but not too many slobbery snogs.

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