Sunday, February 22, 2004

House quest

End of week seven, the stats look like this:

No. of flats viewed (some 2 or even three times) - 40+
No. of offers submitted - 3
No. of other people looking for flats with similar criteria - at least 500

Today we encountered the first queue out the door - of course it was the place we have liked the most so far, and because of the extra competition, are unlikely to be able to afford (bidding war, anyone?). There seem to be a lot of mums & dads shopping with their kids (and contributing heftily to the deposit, too). We had looked at in on Thursday already, and tried to sneak in an early offer first thing Friday, but there were already two other notes of interest. The sellers like us, greeted us like old friends today, but sadly, that's not enough to close a deal in this mad market.

Saw and greatly enjoyed The Barbarian Invasions this weekend. The dialogue is excellent, electric, and the film moving without being even slightly sentimental.

It feels like snow is in the air again...

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