Thursday, October 20, 2005

what's that on your lip?

This post's for any Taylor readers out there. Just saw cousin Chris on the telly, sporting exceedingly dodgy moustache and excellent salesman patter. It was an arts feature on Ch 4 news, on the Zoo art fair.

Facial hair has recently been rediscovered by A. too - he's currently sporting a full ginger number - and reports today that colleagues are following the trend he has set. Or are keeping their chins warm for winter. Or something.


Anonymous said...

well i must defend the true taylor tradition - clean shaven through and through!! The only blemishes ever seen was a photo of great granfather supporting a moustache and the ever delinquent Anthony who never learnt to cut his hair and who supported a similar upper lip fuzz to that now adopted by his son. These non traditionalists clearly influence one Andrew.

from clean shaven David

Anonymous said...

Kate dijo...
Well, I must add that it must be the chill in the air, or laziness, or a recent trip to the land of Arabs... but Ray is also currently sporting a beard.

go figure.

It all comes off tomorrow night when he and I unveil our "movie star" costumes at the Porron Open Party. Start guessing who we will be. TIP: I decided against ET.