Wednesday, July 09, 2003

EH10 - my corner of the world for now

Everything can be pinpointed by two numbers and four letters. Everything has a fixed and mappable location. People look at you funny when you fill in your previous (NZ) address and leave the postcode field blank and then tell them that postcodes aren't really used in NZ. Things are more formal here.

Scotland is very regional, Edinburgh very local. Suburbs have a distinct identity. Like Morningside, where I live now. It's a village in the city (in fact, it really was a village once). It has a reputation for being quite posh, but the reality is somewhat more eclectic. We do live next door to a retired army colonel (who runs the neighbourhood watch scheme with military precision), and I've spotted a few "ladies who lunch" but there are plenty of students and families about too.

There are also a lot of antipodeans. So said the cable guy who installed our telephone. I've noticed it too - definite Aussie drawls in the aisles of Safeway, Kathmandu jackets are sighted daily, and if someone asks you to complete a survey, they usually start with "g'day". I have heard (from a very reliable source) that the upside of this antipodean influx is a definite improvement in service around town. It's definitely better than London (but that wouldn't be hard).

There is no name for people from Edinburgh. Glasgow has Glaswegians, Liverpool Liverpudlians, Orkney Orcadians, but nothing for the people from this city. They remain nameless. I don't know why "Edinburgers" hasn't caught on...

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