Sunday, July 20, 2003

A trip down memory lane...

Two posts in one day! Could it be that A's not here and Kate has some uninterrupted computer time?

Last Sunday we took a trip to Renfrew, the town where I was born and spent my first 5 years. It's a place with a lot of history (besides the personal) - one of Scotland's oldest burghs and it is known as the "Cradle of The Royal Stewarts". We took some pictures of the places I used to live (4 in 5 yrs), and visited familar old haunts like the swimming baths, swing park and my first school. It's funny how places like that are so much more memorable than shops and other parts of the town (I guess because they are the centre of a child's universe). And none of it had really changed.

Thanks to Aunt Bel & Uncle Jim for the guided tour and barbecue to follow!

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